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We get it. Homeownership can be overwhelming, stressful, and confusing. Whether you’re searching for a new home, staying put, or somewhere in between, Realm is here to help. We use reliable, unbiased data to show you not only what a property is worth today, but what it could be worth in years to come. Our free tools give you accurate renovation cost estimates and tell you how much value a project will add. Plus, our insights are customized to each property, so you get trustworthy information you can actually use. Make smart choices for your home with Realm.

Port Aransas Real Estate & Home Prices

7,928 sqft
17,119 sqft
8,276 sqft
1,481 sqft
2,352 sqft
6,229 sqft
1,917 sqft
3,093 sqft
RealmTexasPort Aransas

Port Aransas Homes By The Numbers

Our assessment of the average current home value. We use several data sources including tax assessments, listing history, building permits, and zoning regulations.

Average Home Value

$025th percentile
$853k75th percentile
$025th percentile
$853k75th percentile
How much each home's value could increase with additional investment. We've analyzed what upgrades and changes are possible on each property in this neighborhood.

Average Untapped Potential Value

$025th percentile
$075th percentile
$025th percentile
$075th percentile
The additional square feet each lot has available to develop. We compare the current footprint of the home to the maximum footprint allowed by local zoning rules.

Average Buildable Square Feet

1,242 sq ft
How much homes have been sold for over the last year.

Average Sale Price (Last 12 months)


Popular Projects in Port Aransas

Our pricing estimates use local labor & material costs. With your free Realm account, you can customize pricing based on square footage and quality of materials.

Upgrade to a kitchen that perfectly blends utility and aesthetics, making cooking and gathering a joyous experience.

Kitchen Renovation

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Upgrade your bathroom and embrace the comfort you deserve with a comprehensive renovation that transforms your space into a haven of relaxation.

Primary Bathroom Renovation

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