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New Hampshire Real Estate & Home Prices

308,405 sqft
0 sqft
5,749,920 sqft
988,812 sqft
2,613,600 sqft
6,359,760 sqft
474,804 sqft
26,136 sqft
RealmNew Hampshire

New Hampshire Homes By The Numbers

Our assessment of the average current home value. We use several data sources including tax assessments, listing history, building permits, and zoning regulations.

Average Home Value

$025th percentile
$96k75th percentile
$025th percentile
$96k75th percentile
How much each home's value could increase with additional investment. We've analyzed what upgrades and changes are possible on each property in this neighborhood.

Average Untapped Potential Value

$025th percentile
$075th percentile
$025th percentile
$075th percentile
The additional square feet each lot has available to develop. We compare the current footprint of the home to the maximum footprint allowed by local zoning rules.

Average Buildable Square Feet

25,338 sq ft
How much homes have been sold for over the last year.

Average Sale Price (Last 12 months)


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New Hampshire

Living in New Hampshire

When most people think of New Hampshire, they think of wild places — but it’s also a great place to buy a home. This state has some of the tallest ski mountains on the East Coast, making it a great place for winter sports enthusiasts to put down roots. 

It is a state of sharp contrast. In the north, you’ll find the White Mountain National Forest and Mount Washington, and to the south and east, you have the Atlantic coast. Whether you’ve come to leaf peep, spend time in the ocean, or look for a home, you’ll have plenty to do in New Hampshire’s outdoor spaces. 

However, this state isn’t defined just by its natural beauty alone. It is also a state of affluence. It has the seventh-highest median household income and is one of only nine states in the country with no required income tax. It also has no taxes on capital gains sales, or inheritance, making it one of the best places to live if you’re looking for a reduced tax burden. 

New Hampshire has a broad-based, rapidly growing economy that focuses on key industries like real estate, professional business services, health care, and manufacturing. Tourism is another major industry. If you’re looking to live in an eco-friendly state, New Hampshire is a top pick in that category, too. It produces 32% of its own electricity consumption from renewable resources, like wind, nuclear, hydroelectric, solar, and others. 

Architecture and history of New Hampshire homes

New Hampshire is unique in that its architectural trends vary depending on your location in the state. The Atlantic coast and the state’s many lakeshores are home to summer cottages with nautical designs, while the mountainous north is home to more rustic architecture. Coastal-style homes often possess mainstay features such as cedar shake shingles and picket fences. In fact, according to Realm’s data analysis, 769 recent home listings in New Hampshire feature fences.  

The rustic homes to the north tend to feature large windows, lots of wood in their construction elements and motifs, and dark siding. Wood ceilings and beams (or even post and beam) structures are common, too. Wood floors are especially common in rustic-style homes but are popular all over the state with Realm’s data analysis showing that 1269 New Hampshire homes have wood floors.

In general, the architectural history in New Hampshire is similar to that of the rest of New England. The most common home styles you will see include Cape Cods, Georgians, Colonials, and Queen Annes. 

Historical homes in this area are typically made from brick or wood. Many have fireplaces and chimneys — the only way that the first settlers could keep warm on blustery winter nights. Steep, pitched roofs (sometimes gabled gambrel or hipped) are also common and encourage heavy snowfall to slide off easily after a storm. And you’ll find plenty of dormers in New Hampshire homes, too. 

The Warner House in Portsmouth, NH, is a historic home that serves as one of the best examples of historic architecture in the state. Made out of brick, this two-and-a-half-story home has a gambrel roof (which was modified in later years to accommodate heavier snowfall) and other architectural features reminiscent of old New England. About 1425 homes in New Hampshire also have decks, a great feature to help you enjoy the state’s gorgeous fall foliage. 

Tips for New Hampshire homeowners 

Because New Hampshire was one of the first states to be settled, many homes in the state were built long before the region even achieved statehood. Historic homes built prior to the 1880s may be more likely to suffer from chimney issues or undersized framing and foundations in smaller homes. 

Older homes may also be more likely to have ungrounded electrical outlets (since grounded outlets didn’t become mandatory in new homes until the mid-1900s). Fortunately, Realm’s data show that most homes in New Hampshire were built in 1986, so chances are, you won’t run into these issues. 

For newer homes, the biggest factor that will impact your home construction is the weather. New Hampshire experiences some of the coldest and wettest winters in the country. Temperatures regularly drop below zero and New Hampshire receives an average of 68.3 inches of snowfall per year — more than twice the national average.

Look for a home with a gabled roof (metal is best) and easy-to-shovel paths. South-facing windows and radiant heating are also helpful features to ensure that your home stays warm in the winter months. Well-insulated pipes are also key to preventing burst plumbing in the winter. 

Finally, choose windows that are awning, fixed, or casement-style to prevent leaks. Classic single- and double-hung windows can be drafty. While Realm’s data show that many homes have had HVAC or roof work within the last few years, getting a home inspection prior to buying is essential to make sure your home is up-to-date and that you’re getting a good value. 

If you’re a New Hampshire homeowner, you won’t have to worry too much about flooding or fire. Despite the coastal location, 97% of homes are not located in flood zones. 100% of homes are not in a designated perimeter for wildfires that have occurred within the past five years, either. Therefore, neither fire nor water will play a major role in your decision about where to live in the Granite State. 

Frequently asked questions about New Hampshire real estate

What is the median home price in New Hampshire?

Home pricing varies across the state of New Hampshire. The median home price in New Hampshire has gone up in the last year, rising from around $350,000 to $402,000. While housing supply in the state has been limited, the good news is that more and more houses are coming on the market as the pandemic winds down.

Why is New Hampshire housing so expensive?

Although New Hampshire real estate offers great value — you get a lot more acreage and indoor square footage for a home in New Hampshire than you do in most other places around the country — there’s little of it to go around. There are 60% fewer homes on the market now than just a year ago and homes are selling for way over asking price due to a supply and demand issue. 

Does New Hampshire have mountain real estate? 

New Hampshire has plenty of mountain real estate, including those near the famed White Mountains. If you’re looking for mountain real estate in New Hampshire, look for listings in towns and cities such as Waterville Valley, Littleton, Lincoln, Campton, and Sugar Hill to start. All of these towns have homes with gorgeous mountain views. 

Popular Cities in New Hampshire

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